HOME Links BorzoiShop Nederlands Nederlands Français Français Deutsch    Deutsch collects and publishes Borzoi showresults and others from Belgium and abroad
Since 2003, when we started our website, we have collected results of 1919 shows, from 23 countries with 4808 Borzois, judged by 540 judges from 55 countries illustrated with 15013 pictures.
Thanks a lot to everyone who contributes or have contributed.

If you have results or pictures of your or other Borzois during the whos to illustrate our results, also share them with us by or on our facebook page

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20-4-2024 Lingen/DE CAC CACIB    
Mrs. Marpe Marion/DE

21-4-2024 Martigues/FR CACS CACIB    
Mr. Bottagisio Pietro/IT

20-4-2024 Martigues/FR CACS Spéciale Barzoï   
Mr. Poças Joao Vasco/PT

21-4-2024 Gradačac/BA CAC CACIB Spring Dog Show 3xCAC-2xCACIB – CACIB II   
Mrs. Simic Polina/RS

21-4-2024 Gradačac/BA CAC CACIB Spring Dog Show 3xCAC-2xCACIB – CAC III   
Mrs. Zizevske Livija/LT

20-4-2024 Gradačac/BA CAC Spring Dog Show 3xCAC-2xCACIB – CAC II   
Mrs. Alic Lejla/BA

19-4-2024 Gradačac/BA CAC CACIB Spring Dog Show 3xCAC-2xCACIB – CACIB I   
Mr. Ionescu Augustin/RO

19-4-2024 Gradačac/BA CAC Spring Dog Show 3xCAC-2xCACIB – CAC I   
Mr. Harsányi Peter/HU

20-4-2024 Antwerpen/BE CAC CACIB 58e Antwerp Dog Show   
Mr. Dehaes Louis/BE

13-4-2024 Volkmarsen/DE CAC LS Hessen-Thüringen 2024   
Mrs. Urschitz Iris/AT

13-4-2024 Oberhausen/DE CAC    
Mr. Sistermann Marco/DE

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14-4-2024 Hazerswoude/NL CAC CACIB International Dogshow KV Rijnland   
Mrs. Urek Tatjana/SI

14-4-2024 Lyon/FR CACS CACIB    
Mr. Dumortier Alain/FR

14-4-2024 Limoges/FR CACS    
Mr. Stibel Gabriel/MK

13-4-2024 Limoges/FR CACS CACIB    
Mr. Brassat-Lapeyriere Jean-Louis/FR

7-4-2024 Barje/SI CAC CACIB    
Mr. Kitanovic Sasa/RS

6-4-2024 Vrbljene/SI CAC CACIB    
Mr. Di Chicco Mariano/IT

5-4-2024 Barje/SI CAC    
Mr. Havelka Tibor/SK

7-4-2024 Mulhouse/FR CACS CACIB    
Mr. Nodalli Bruno/IT

6-4-2024 Mulhouse/FR CACS    
Mrs. Bottussi-Jocquel Céline/FR

30-3-2024 Köln/DE CAC    
Mrs. Ahrend Nelly/DE

31-3-2024 Ales (Cévennes)/FR CACS    
Mrs. Desquartiers-Diacquenod Evelyne/FR

30-3-2024 Ales (Cévennes)/FR CACS    
Mrs. Desserne Sylvie/FR

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29-3-2024 Hoope/DE CAC Landessieger Weser-Ems 2024   
Mrs. Kirsch Evelyn/DE

24-3-2024 Angers/FR CACS CACIB Spéciale Barzoï   
Mr. Malo Alcrudo Rafael/ES

... all results ...
© All content and photos are property of if not mentioned differently on the results page
This homepage is dedicated to the memory of a 'once in a lifetime' Borzoi, unique and exceptionnel, Piatoi Polozovich de Xanishka, a born winner and multichampion; the one and only Borzoi in the history of the Belgian cynology who has won Best in Show at the Brussels Dog Show (in 2002).
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Belgian Borzoi Club